That being said, cats are starting to grow on me because of the LOLcats pictures that have been floating around the Internets for a while. I am considering buying a cat and then trying to get it to do funny stuff. If that doesn't work out I can always feed the cat to my dogs.
Here are some of my favorites:

I think you might find this amusing, as well as relevant to this particular post.
Our brain waves must be aligned (must be the Omaha roots) - I was just showing my wife all kinds of Caturday videos on Friday. Much like you I am not a cat person, but the ceiling cat makes me laugh every time.
Plus if it wasn't for the LOLcat, we wouldn't have the this picutre which I like to post everywhere.
Cats = lame. I think that's what makes the LOLcats so funny. They are so lame that we are all so amazed that they could possibly be humorous. I think that's why those California Raisin clay-mation dudes were so funny/cool in the 80s. Who's favorite food is raisins? Exactly.
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